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Viktoriia Iegorova, PhD.

Viktoriia Legorova

Viktoriia Iegorova, PhD.


Areas of expertise

  • Developmental biology
  • In situ hybridization
  • Flow cytometry analysis
  • Histological analysis
  • Molecular parentage analysis using microsatellite marker


My name is Viktoriia and I am originally from Ukraine. I completed my bachelor and master study in Kharkiv State Zoo Veterinary Academy. Presently I am doing a Ph.D in University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice and simultaneously I started a research work in Laboratory of Gene Expression, Institute of Biotechnology CAS. The topic of my Ph.D study is “Polyspermy produces viable haploid/diploid mosaics in sturgeon”. As known, the majority of sturgeon species are critically endangered and at the same time they are producers the most expensive luxury roe – black caviar. So, my Ph.D study describes a unique fertilization pattern in detail and refutes statements that polyspermy is fatal for Acipenseridae family. Obtained data in this research can help to avoid negative effect on sturgeon propagation programs; is useful for the correct ploidy determination in sturgeon species and opens a new opportunity for biotechnology research to establish sturgeon clone mass production. Out of work my interests are: bicycle riding, attending of swimming pool, drawing and travelling.

Selected Publications

    1. Iegorova, V., Psenicka, M., Lebeda, I., Rodina, M., Saito, T. Polyspermy produces viable haploid/diploid mosaics in sturgeon. Biology of Reproduction, 2018, 0(0), 1 – 11.
    2. Fatira, E., Havelka, M., Labbe, C., Depince, A., Iegorova, V., Pšenička, M., Saito T. Application of interspecific Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (iSCNT) in sturgeons and an unexpectedly produced gynogenetic sterlet with homozygous quadruple haploid. Scientific Reports 2018; 8: 5997.
    3. Saito T., Guralp H., Iegorova V., Rodina M., Psenicka M. Elimination of primordial germ cells in sturgeon embryos by ultraviolet irradiation. Biology of Reproduction, 2018, 0(0), 1 – 9.