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Minimum Information for Publication of Quantitative Digital PCR Experiments for 2020.

The Digital MIQE Guidelines Update

Peter Androvic left our lab.

We have new colleagues!

Three new students joined our lab. Welcome!

Decoding the Transcriptional Response to Ischemic Stroke in Young and Aged Mouse Brain.

Our recent paper highlighted in several press reports.

Master thesis defended!

Congratulations to Daniel for his excellent work!

Decoding the Transcriptional Response to Ischemic Stroke in Young and Aged Mouse Brain.

Our new paper published in Cell Reports!

PhD thesis defended!

Congratulation to our great colleague and friend Peter!


A new RNA-Seq normalization method developed in Laboratory of Gene Expression!

Our Covid-19 testing activity acknowledged in the media.

Several newspapers and websites reported on the Covid-19 testing performed in BIOCEV with support of your lab. Check the links:

Liquid biopsy analysis in cancer diagnostics.

Special issue published in Molecular Aspects of Medicine edited by Mikael Kubista now available.

COVID-19 testing

Laboratory of Gene Expression collaborates in testing for SARS-CoV-2

Two-tailed PCR licensed by BioVendor

The technology developed in our laboratory in collaboration with TATAA Biocenter licensed by Czech biotech company.

New grant received from Czech Science Foundation!

Sturgeon as a unique model for evolutionary transition from holoblastic to meroblastic cleavage pattern, and for endoderm development in vertebrates (GA20-23836S).

New publication in Cells!

A new paper describing the role of miR-21 on bone-forming and bone-resorbing cells published in collaboration with Agnieszka Smieszek. Congrats, Aga!

The role of nitric oxide during embryonic wound healing and regeneration.

PhD thesis defended! Congrats, Dr. Pavel;)

Happy Birthdays Viki and Dano!

Our colleagues celebrated their birthdays! We wish them all the best!

Open PhD Positions in Single-Cell Transcriptomics

Transcriptome analysis of acute and degenerative disorders in the central nervous system. Deadline for applications: 31.3.2020!

Winter Trip #4

Little snow, lots of fun:)

Liquid biopsy analysis in cancer diagnostics - Editorial.

Special issue of Molecular Aspects of Medicine coordinated by Laboratory of Gene Expression.

EJP RD JTC2019: New funded project!

ALEXANDER - The astrocyte nanofilament system in Alexander disease - from molecules to function, uncovering new leads for therapy