Daniel Zucha and Pavel Abaffy from our group published their first-author papers in renowned scientific journals. Daniel looked into the performance of currently available RTases in single-cell experiments and Pavel described a new role of nitric oxide during healing, which may potentially translate to improved therapeutic treatments! Congratulation!
Performance Comparison of Reverse Transcriptases for Single-Cell Studies. Daniel Zucha, Peter Androvic, Mikael Kubista, Lukas Valihrach. DOI: 10.1373/clinchem.2019.307835 Published November 2019.
The role of nitric oxide during embryonic wound healing. Pavel Abaffy, Silvie Tomankova, Ravindra Naraine, Mikael Kubista & Radek Sindelka. BMC Genomics volume 20, Article number: 815 (2019).
Laboratory of Gene Expression
Institute of Biotechnology CAS, v.v.i.
Prumyslova 595
252 50 Vestec
Czech Republic
Phone: +420 325 873 748, +420 325 873 747